Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 is going to be a big year here at EmersynLane.

We'll be doing lots of Celebrating...

A wedding
A graduation
Possibly a move
A new job for Mr. R

Lots of things to look forward to.

Speaking of a move...

Apparently Mr. R does NOT necessarily appreciate my love for all things vintage

Recently when he was having a conversation with his Grandma about how I would be decorating our home he replied....

"she likes old sh*t"

Thanks Babe!!

Slightly off topic, my mom and I made a trip to Bloomsbury loft and the antique mall in Powell.

I came home with a gorgeous six pane window

It was even pink and chippy... just perfect!

My last trip there resulted in an antique door with an awesome ceramic knob

I told Mr. R not to worry...

I was building our home one piece at a time :)


  1. precious!

    happy new exciting year for you ashley!
    can't wait to watch it unfold :)

  2. You go girl,men just don;t get it!! Love your taste,isn't decorating fun? All the best,Chrissy
