Monday, September 14, 2009

I Need (want) a Camera

O.K. girlies...
I NEED... ok I want... a new camera
Something that takes good pics without much skill from the photographer... hehe
Something more than a point and shoot
Something Not outrageously expensive... I am trying to save for a wedding here
But not something cheapy... is that a word?
What do you use...
What do you wish you had?
Let me know... I need some help.
Digital please...



  1. I love my Canon Rebel XS! I went off of a recommendation from Kasey (I believe she has a slightly different model, but very similar). Cheapest price is online. See you in a few days...

    :) T

  2. this(Canon) is my vote too, just be sure to add extra lens when you have the $$.
    My daughter and i both have these, also you can do extra wonderful things with editing ... a mac is great for this.

    tale a peek at my photos and be sure to double click

  3. So glad to see you have figured out the difference between your wants and "needs"...ha ha! I will keep my eye open but I too, am not "saving" for a wedding but PAYING for one!! Love you honey!

  4. i have a canon rebel...and we actually bought ours re-furbished with a warrenty.
    best deal.
    check out craigslist also...i have a few different lenses now and all thanks to good ole craigslist!

  5. hey...i came across this blog and thought of you.....

  6. Hey girl, e-mail me...I have a canon rebel I don't use! :)

  7. canon rebel is well loved here at my home.
    wow...looks like you scored a deal with tara!

  8. Hi, I have a Nikon Coolpix s1 and I love it, Have a sweet day! x

  9. hey! did you ever get one? i started with a canon rebel---awesome camera--takes amazing pics!!! best bang for your buck. let me know what you decide.
